Upload your data containing Ct/Cq values as a tab-delimited text file (.txt). The sample names must be in the first line, followed by the class labels with a new line beginning with "#CLASS:". A small example data is shown below:
#NAME Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4 Sample5 Sample6 #CLASS Ctrl GrpA GrpA Ctrl GrpB GrpB mmu-miR-9-5p 11.463 11.567 10.616 11.487 10.464 10.457 mmu-miR-1981-5p 33.949 34.950 31.436 33.769 33.981 30.259 mmu-miR-466a-3p 27.957 27.963 28.940 31.302 31.906 23.968 mmu-miR-201-5p 26.927 29.947 27.943 26.993 27.949 28.934 mmu-miR-377-3p 24.993 26.987 24.920 23.974 25.876 24.966
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